mi trabajo en Envero

escrito el 26 de Noviembre de 2009 por iancoppa

This blog post is long over due.  I was going to try to write it in Spanish but I quickly realized that it would be three sentence long.  So in the interest of avoiding brevity, I will write in English.  Perhaps I’ll paste this into Google’s translator and see what comes out.

Its almost been a month since I started working with Envero.  I have truly enjoyed my time here and have learned alot about CakePHP and tableless web design.   I was kind of hoping my Spanish would have improved but I am still struggling in that domain.  I am impressed with how much everyone’s English has improved over the last four weeks.

The work here is very different then what I do in the states.  It is much more hands on and in the trenches so to speak.  I find it a refreshing change from the endless meetings and phone calls that my previous work had me doing.

Learning to work within Cakes framework took some getting used but I very quickly realized the benefits of it.  I have started using it on few personal projects that I am working on (my running log and photo gallery).  Despite all this, I still feel like there is a LOT I dont know about Cake and I sense that I’m just hitting the tip of the ice burg with respect to realizing the full benefits of the framework.

Perhaps the most difficult thing for me to wrap my head around (no pun intended) is the use of divs and CSS.  I feet like as soon as I got the layout right in one browser it is broken in another.   It has really slowed down my progress but it is good exposure and I hope to continue a life of tableless web develpment.

As for Mendoza, what an amazing city.  I love it here and I will be sad to leave in January.  Although I hear January is pretty miserable.   While my wife are considering returning in February it will still be hard to leave the sun, the food, the people, the nightlife, and the wine.

2 comentarios en este artículo

Fantastic, really all the same place must be very nice, especially the quality of people, I envy you because here where I live people are not in any way an example.

#1 Escrito el 28 de Noviembre de 2009 a las 1:14 am.

Quite an experience that we both share! As you, I started with Web Development in Envero and I’m eternally grateful about that. I’ll never forget what the Envero’s crew taught me, and I’m not precisely talking just about my professional skills, but furthermore, the meaning of true fellowship that they know well.
I’m agreed with you, the CSS-HTML-Tableless coding scheme could be a pain in the arse at the beggining, but once you get used to it, Web Development becomes Poetry.
Also, I’m glad you had the opportunity to personally met them, they’re such a wonderful group of people!

Cheers mate!

dd di cesare
#2 Escrito el 02 de Diciembre de 2009 a las 9:53 pm.

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